Tuesday, September 25, 2012

XP3 Students: Dating By Numbers Parent Cue

1. Be a Student of What They are Learning
Let’s be honest. There are more than a few areas in life where a crash course would be helpful. And dating is certainly one of those areas. For a lot of students, dating is something they just fall into—they are old enough to do it, so they do. But just because they are the right age and in the right stage of life, doesn’t mean they know how to go about it. They need to learn the basics. They need to understand the fundamentals. They need a crash course on dating, and we want to give it to them. So the question we want to be answering these next couple of weeks is, if we could pick the top three things we want students to know as they prepare for this season of life where dating plays such a huge role, what would those three things be? What do we look for? How do we know when it is time to end it—and then how do we go about ending it? And what do we do when we find ourselves with single status? These are the basics. Our way of beginning at square one. And the hope is, with the right start, their time spent dating now will set the course for their future relationships in the right direction.

2. Be a Student of Your Student
Relationships are a joy. But they can also be painful, devastating, all consuming and overwhelming. As parents, we know this all too well and some of us try to do everything we can to protect our children from the possible pain of breakups, emotional rollercoasters and those girls or guys we are certain are nothing but trouble. In fact, those of us with daughters may joke that there’s no way our little girls will date until they hit 30! But the truth is, they will date eventually and this can be a good thing. What isn’t a good thing is when our kids allow any one relationship to define who they are so much that when the relationship dissolves, they are left broken and feeling like they have lost a sense of who they are. Even worse is when they feel like a failure because of their relational mistakes. And sometimes we as parents do more to make them feel like their mistakes are insurmountable than we do to encourage them with forgiveness.

Geoffrey Canada, an education reformer in Harlem, talks about this in his book “Reaching Up for Manhood.” His important and revolutionary ideas are discussed on the Orange Parents Blog (http://www.orangeparents.org/some-kids-cant-be-forgiven/):

According to Canada, kids need to grow up with a certain level of failure so they can understand it’s possible to move beyond their mistakes. They need to know that they can be forgiven, not only by their parents but by others adults as well.  He says churches can be key in providing the missing ingredient of forgiveness in the lives of kids.
The truth is, there may be no other area where our kids experience more failure than that of their dating relationships.  As a result, there may be no other area where our students are in need of, and desperate for forgiveness, then in the area of their dating relationships. The challenge for us as parents is learning to allow them to fail to some degree, if only so they can consequently learn that we, as their parents, are able to look beyond and move past their mistakes. But like Canada says, this is more than just a message for parents. This is a message the church could and should embrace. And as parents, this means we need to become serious about one of the Five Parenting Principles of Orange: Widening the Circle.
What exactly does “widening the circle” mean? It means that we need to pursue strategic relationships with other trusted adults for our sons and daughters. It means that we widen their community of healthy adults so that when things don’t go as planned with that guy or girl they were sure was “the one,” they aren’t left alone with the relational fall out. It means when they realize they may have made some poor relational choices, they have a support system around them that meets them where they are and encourages them—even in their failure. When our students realize that their sphere of influence, their pool of trusted friends and their support system extends beyond their parents they may be spared some serious scars—not just spared scars from poor relational choices, but scars from not receiving the acceptance and forgiveness they needed from the people they needed it from.

3. Action Point
We have all needed a second chance or a “do over” when it comes to our relationships. Sometimes, that has meant we needed to walk away and sometimes it meant the relationship has walked away from us and we need to reset who we are.
Share with your teenager a time when you needed to push the “reset” button and get a fresh perspective on a particular relationship or maybe even on yourself.

Geoffrey Canada says, “We always give (our kids) the message of salvation and forgiveness with our chastisements.”
How can you do this when your teen struggles through a particular relationship? If your teenager has already learned some hard lessons, how did you handle it? Looking back, would you have handled it differently?

In order to Widen the Circle, we need to point our teens towards those people who can help them come to a healthy self-image and help them find their place in a rich community.
Who are those people in your student’s life who won’t give up on them and who can help them experience forgiveness and encourage them in growth? (Think peers, but also think of other adults too.)

Get connected to a wider community of parents at www.orangeparents.org.

@2012 Orange.  All rights reserved.

O' Happy Day Happy Day!

Quick update!
Next 5th quarter is on October 5th and we will be tie dying t-shirts. Please bring your own shirt and we will provide everything else! Spread the word to others you know who usually come!
Please bring one can of tomato sauce and one can of fruit cocktail per youth to the church by this Sunday for our next fundraiser on October 28th!  Be on the lookout for a sign up sheet in the foyer. Meal:  Chili, cornbread, fruit cocktial, and dessert.  Dine in or carry out. 
So glad you made it to our website!!!  This is how I will be updating you on what we are studying together on Sunday nights and how you may incorporate it into your relationship with your youth! Check back for more updates soon.
Lastly, don't forget about JJ money! Place it on the offering plate and specify "youth".
Thanks and have a wonderful week!!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

O Taste and See That the LORD is Good!


Youth council meeting THIS Sunday, September 16th following youth at 8 in The Shed.  All youth council parents plus Lauren and Anna should attend!

If you are interested in keeping up with the youth group you can do this very easily!!
Just go to:  www.efumcyouthgroup.blogspot.com 

Parents and youth, don't forget about JJ each month!  Remember you can give weekly (.50 cents every Sunday), monthly ($2 per month), or yearly ($24 per youth for the year).  Please place your money in the offering plate and specify "YOUTH" on any checks or envelopes. 

THANK YOU to all who came last Sunday and supported the youth by eating a spaghetti plate!  The youth work so hard each fundraiser and we are thankful for a congregation that responds to all their hard work!  We raised $400 with this fundraiser, which is wonderful!  This money will go directly towards helping us go on our first OUT OF STATE mission trip this coming summer in 2013.  Be on the lookout for the next fundraiser sign up sheet in the foyer!

Sunday, September, 23rd youth will be in Starkville!!  If you are able to help transport youth back and forth please let me know!  Details to come.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

THE SHED.. Before and After!

I would like to give a shout out to ALL who helped make this room look so incredible (Joey Carney, Chris Zirlott, Bob Surma, Melissa Vaughn, Trey Harper, my wonderful parents, the Board of Trustees, our church congregation, ALL the youth, and most importantly our Lord Jesus Christ !!) Over the past two months there have been many individuals who have given up a lot of time and energy to make this room happen. We are SO thankful for you and could not have asked for a better turnout!











Monday, September 3, 2012

Rewinding Time

Here are a few pictures that will give you only a taste of our summer!  Enjoy : )

Eupora vs. Noxapater

Pool Party at Mr. Joe Hay's Home

Hard workers

Trust Walk

Worship on the Water

Worship on the Water Fun

Girls Night Out

Convo 2012

Convo 2012

Kutless and Jeremy Camp Concert in Tupelo

Pool Party- matching Camp Lake Stephens Sunglasses!


Worship on the Water

Worship on the Water 2012

Human Knot

Human Knot

Put yourselves in order from tallest to shortest... without talking!!

Put yourselves in birthday order.. no talking!

Thanks Lauren : )

More to come!!

Youth Luncheon Preparation

On Friday, September 7th, the youth will meet in the Fellowship Hall to prepare for our luncheon fundraiser on September 9th.  The EHS football team will have their game on that Thursday night so this will not interfere with any football players/band members/cheerleaders/etc.  I have placed everyone into 2 shifts so that you will not need to stay the entire 3 hours.  Our first shift will begin at 4:30 and end at 5:45 and our second shift will begin at 5:45 and end at 7:30.  Please be on time and ready to work so we can knock this out quickly!!  Remember, if you don't come to help prepare and serve on Friday and Sunday you will not receive any money towards your trip this summer. So make sure to come!!  We have plans to go on an OUT OF STATE mission trip this coming summer and you will not want to miss it!  Below you can find your name under the shift you are assigned to.  Look forward to seeing you all there!

Shift # 1 (4:30-5:45)

- Ramadan
- Grayson
- Beau
- Jack
- Caitlyn
- Chloe
- Lauren
- Kendall
- Anna Littlejohn
- MK Brister
- Emily
- Rikki
- Courtney

Shift # 2 (5:45- 7:30)

- Embry
- Logan
- Christian
- Claude
- Jessica
- AC White
- Jayley
- Lily
- Neely

* If you have friends that would like to join us, bring them on!!!


It's Back!

For whatever reason our blog was down for a few months due to problems with the blogger website!  I have big plans to begin using this site again for updates on trips, mission opportunities, important dates, and youth activities.  I believe this is a wonderful way for everyone in our church to check out what the youth are up to and also see how they might get involved with our group! 

I hope that everyone is having a relaxing long Labor Day weekend and is enjoying every second of it : ).  While I have you here... I'll go ahead and give you some upcoming dates to put down in your calendar!

On September 9th, 2012 our youth will be having their first Luncheon Fundraiser of the new school year!  The plate will include spaghetti, green beans, bread, and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. ($5 per plate).  Feel free to stick around and eat in the Fellowship Hall with your family and friends and then come on over to            The Shed as we reveal all the hard work that has been put into it over the past month! 

The money that the youth raise from their fundraisers this year will go directly towards their YOUTH MISSION TRIP this coming summer in 2013.  This is the first trip we have taken OUT OF STATE and we are extremely excited about the opportunity!  More information will be provided regarding our trip as soon as I receive details.  We hope that you will support us in this opportunity as we follow our calling to GO OUT and love our fellow neighbors through missions.  Be on the lookout for future fundraisers coming up : ).  Thank you for your continuous love and support you have given our group.  We know that without our church congregation we would not be capable of doing all that we have done and will do in the future.   

5th Quarters are BACK!
If you are interested in helping me with preparation or supervision for fifth quarter events please contact me!  I am in most need of supervision help from 10:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.  We had 45 students attend the last 5th quarter, and as you can imagine, I need all the help I can get!! 

The dates of our upcoming 5th quarters are as follows...
- September 14th-  MOVE NIGHT... "Remember the Titans" will be shown outside and we will have all sorts of movie snacks provided. 
- October 5th- Tie Dye Night... You bring a t-shirt and we will provide the dye! 
- October 12th- Relay Races and Tournament Night... Chap will also be cooking some delicious pancakes on the spot (pick your own topping if you'd like!).

All 5th Quarters start following the EHS football game and end at midnight!  All youth in the community are welcome to come and hang out.. bring all your friends and hope to see you there!

I am so excited about this new opportunity the youth have to come and use their talents that God gave to them!  Our first practice will be on September, 9th at 5:30 p.m. in the Shed.  They will hopefully begin playing at youth group meetings starting September 16th so be on the lookout for them!

Mark your calendars for our next meeting date on September 16, 2012.  See you there!

I hope that you will make it a habit to come and check out our youth website on a regular basis!!  Thanks for all you do.
See you soon!

Youth Director