Fellowship in The Shed - Musical chairs never gets old!
Babysitting Night in The Shed (Lauren and Ben playing "Sorry")
Ping Pong tournament (Chap vs. Stratton)
Babysitting Night - "Sorry" seemed to be a favorite that night
My favorite wall in The Shed--- the art of many children and youth
Youth Praiseband preparing for 2nd Sabbath Service
Youth Praiseband singing at 2nd Sabbath Service
Some of the youth praiseband members out for dinner together!
One of my good friends from Brandon sent me a message about her childhood friend's two year old son who was just diagnosed with Leukemia. His name is Andrew and he is currently at Blair E. Batson in Mississippi receiving treatment. His parents have set up a Facebook page for support and prayers for the family. It is called Team Andrew. If you would like, please go to this page and like it. If not... I am asking my friends to take a "Team Andrew" photo and post it on facebook (tag me please so I can get it to Andrew's family!). They are showing these pictures to Andrew and his family as encouragement. The goal is to get pictures from all over the world. You can get creative with the way you add Team Andrew or just hold up a piece of paper with the words on it. The cooler the place the better! Can't wait to see what you come up with : ).
Eupora Youth are Praying for Andrew! Go Team Andrew!
Easter bag goodies for the local nursing home in Eupora
Thanks to Lauren, Embry, and Logan for delivering these to the residents!
Youth Fundraisers
Working hard to raise money so they can go to Lake Junaluska, NC this summer!
Visit www.lakejunaluska.com for more information on our Youth Mission Trip
--Summer of 2013--
I am so proud of all our youth! Each one of them has shown love, excitement, and dedication to this group and I am so proud to be a part of it. I could not ask for a more caring, energetic, and loyal group! Thank you (parents, youth, and FUMC congregation) for all of your hard work and commitment to our youth group! It is such a blessing to be a part of.
To God be the glory!
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